Step into the Facebook Ad platform and build a whole ad campaign for a brand we've created from scratch just for you.
It’s time for the real deal. In this chapter, we’re going to walk you through the Facebook ad platform and teach you how to run highly converting ads yourself.
We’ve spent years of studying and applying various approaches on how to do exactly this and have compiled it all in this chapter. Now the best way for us to teach you this is to build a campaign together and for that, we must use a business that well, needs some marketing support. Sooooo, we went and created a completely fictional business just to help us do this.
We’re calling it Lancify Abroad! We created this dummy brand to show you how to set up ads for a business. But we need more than just a make believe business; we need an actual website to send ad traffic to.
So, we went and built that as well! Here it is. Check it out - this is the Lancify Abroad website. It's a complete website with multiple pages, a blog and even an interactive form for visitors to click and fill out. You could literally go to this url right now and visit this page.
Let's quickly take you over the business model.
Lancify Abroad is a study abroad consultancy that helps students get into their dream universities abroad. They offer 3 kinds of services - counseling, test prep and application assistance.
How does Lancify Abroad get sales?
Well, they offer a free consultation for students looking to explore studying abroad and from there they convert these free sessions into sales for their various services. Lancify Abroad needs to run Facebook and Instagram ads to drive students to their website so they sign up for a free consultation. It's that simple. So in this chapter we are going to show you how we set-up ads for a business like Lancify Abroad.
Before we get into the set-up, let's document a few things so that we know exactly what we're building and we don't lose direction.
Question 1 - What is the objective here - what are we really trying to accomplish? The answer is simple. To get students to sign up for a free consultation session with Lancify Abroad so they can go on to become paying customers.
Question 2 - How can we go about doing that? We can run highly targeted ads to students and send them to the Lancify Abroad website where they can sign-up for this free consultation.
Question 3 - Who do we target? High School or Undergrad students.
Question 4 - How do we target these guys? We can use the age brackets 15 - 18 and 19 - 22 respectively, and then target them based on their interests, and their current education level - either high school or college.
Question 5 - How do we attract this group? We use messages that target the pain point of helping them navigate their higher education, get into their dream school and achieve the lifestyle they’ve always wanted. That’s pretty good.
Question 6 - What kind of creatives should we use? We can use images that showcase graduations, students hanging out, University Campuses or even countries that students aspire to study in.
Now, that wasn’t too hard, was it? It's important to note that while the whole world of Facebook marketing might seem super complex, at the end of the day it's just solving simple problems with logical strategies.
Anyway, now that we have that context, let's get into it. In the next episode, we'll start actually building the campaign.