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4.5 Ad Creatives

Step into the world of ad creatives and take notes on how to build the most converting creatives for your ads.

Let's talk about ad creatives. Creatives are everything. It's what makes users stop while endlessly scrolling on their timeline and pay attention to what you say, so how you build your creatives is super important.

There are different kinds of creatives you can use with Facebook ads but the basics are videos and images. We are going to stick to images for this course. Even within images, there's various kinds of ad creatives you can use. There's infographics, photos, color or textured backgrounds or even plain text - which we don't recommend. 

A lot of successful ad campaigns on Facebook have text superimposed on the image itself which is a really smart thing to do, and in this very short episode, let’s go over some best practices for you to keep in mind when building these creatives.

Wherever possible, show the product - This is a recommendation that comes straight from Facebook. Showing the product or the brand itself helps create a really strong recall value right away.

Use color - Unless the brand guidelines are strictly black-and-white, try to use color as much as possible - again this makes a huge difference when it comes to grabbing the attention of the person.

Push the value - The value proposition should be on the image itself but keep the copy short. People will stop and take notice when you show them the value that you can add.

Stay on-brand - Make sure your creatives are within the brand guidelines. If the look and feel of your ad is completely different from the landing page that the ad will take the user to, it will break the experience.

Use relevant images - Use high quality and relevant images based on the target audience you're going after. Avoid commonly used stock images that the user might have seen on another website. And please, don't use anything with a watermark.

Avoid too much text - Keep the copy on the images to a minimum. Facebook has guidelines for how much text is allowed on an image so your ad may be disapproved. Also, too much text will kill the aesthetics of your image in general.

And that's about it. If you were to follow these guidelines, you should be able to create great images for your ads.

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Series episodes

I. Introduction
I. Introduction
1.1 Introduction
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Evolution of Advertising
1.2 Evolution of Advertising
II. Business Fundamentals
II. Business Fundamentals
2.1 Thinking like a Paid Ads Specialist
2.1 Thinking like a Paid Ads Specialist
2.2 Understand the Brand and the Business
2.2 Understand the Brand and the Business
2.3 Understand the Brand's Audience
2.3 Understand the Brand's Audience
III. Fundamentals of Marketing
III. Fundamentals of Marketing
3.1 Understanding Funnels
3.1 Understanding Funnels
3.2 Understanding User Journeys
3.2 Understanding User Journeys
3.3 Holistic Ad Marketing
3.3 Holistic Ad Marketing
IV. Introduction to Ads
IV. Introduction to Ads
4.1 Types of Ad Campaigns
4.1 Types of Ad Campaigns
4.2 Ad Types, Targeting, Copy and Creative.
4.2 Ad Types, Targeting, Copy and Creative.
4.3 Targeting
4.3 Targeting
4.4 Messaging & Communication
4.4 Messaging & Communication
4.5 Ad Creatives
4.5 Ad Creatives
V. Entering the Facebook Ad Platform
V. Entering the Facebook Ad Platform
5.1 Introduction to Lancify Abroad
5.1 Introduction to Lancify Abroad
5.2 A walk through Business.Facebook
5.2 A walk through Business.Facebook
5.3 Audiences on Business.Facebook
5.3 Audiences on Business.Facebook
5.4 Pixels
5.4 Pixels
VI. Setting up and Running Facebook Ad Campaigns
VI. Setting up and Running Facebook Ad Campaigns
6.1 Setting up an Ad Campaign
6.1 Setting up an Ad Campaign
6.2 Analytics and Dashboards
6.2 Analytics and Dashboards
6.3 Things to Remember
6.3 Things to Remember
6.4 Outro
6.4 Outro